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Our software simplifies and optimizes the development of agroforestry projects, allowing users to evaluate and compare financial, agronomic and environmental impact projections to choose the option best suited to their projects.



Location-specific plantation placement

Our technology recommends plants best suited to the chosen environment, ensuring optimal prosperity by adjusting to local conditions.

Division into autonomous sections

Users can divide their plantation into independent sections to experiment with various planting arrangements, facilitating trial and error without compromising the entire project.

Customizable agroforestry arrangements

Our software enables users to customize their plan by using our recommendations and choosing from a variety of trees and crops based on their specific goals.

Adaptable cost and revenue structures

Our platform provides a standard cost and revenue framework but also empowers users to adjust this by adding new costs, modifying existing values, or removing irrelevant costs to better align with their project's financial realities.

For the designs crafted by the user, our software offers detailed forecasts

Cash flow statements

Offering a clear view of the financial health and viability of the project over time.

Water need forecasts

Estimating the water requirements for the plantation, crucial for ensuring sustainability and efficiency in water use.

Carbon capture forecasts

Predicting the environmental impact of the plantation in terms of carbon sequestration, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

Our Impacts

Nos impacts
Agroforestry and Desert Farming


Carbon capture​

Through our plantations we create carbon sinks thanks to the aerial vegetative mass of the trees but also thanks to the refertilisation of the soil.

Agroforestry and Desert Farming

Preservation of biodiversity

Our agroforestry strategies create different types of shelters for biodiversity such as insects, small mammals and avian fauna.

Agroforestry and Desert Farming

Regenerative Agriculture

We work on poor and eroded soils, victims, among others, of climate change. We revitalize and regenerate these soils to make them arable. 

Agroforestry and Desert Farming

Food Safety

We produce food in areas of high food insecurity to work towards greater social and political stability.

Agroforestry and Desert Farming

Social development

We train tomorrow's farmers in agroecology techniques, while offering them employment in regions suffering from rural exodus. 

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